Afterlife Contact?

No, not really but we can make your memorial interact with your mobile device so you can view photos, videos or other memories you have of your pet.

We can embed a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip in your memorial.  The NFC chip can be programmed so you can retrieve memories of your pet by tapping the memorial with your NFC enabled smartphone or any other NFC enabled device.

What is NFC?

Near Field Communication (NFC)

NFC is an electronic communication system that allows two devices to share information.  Similar to tapping your hotel room card to unlock the door or tapping your phone to the payment reader at a retail store to purchase something. 

Place your smartphone on the memorial and the programmed chip can open an app, program or website that shows videos, photos or other information in memory of your pet.

The price to embed the NFC chip in your memorial is $75.00